Veterinary Techniques for Llamas and Alpacas provides a step-by-step guide to performing procedures in llamas and alpacas. Organized by body system, the book presents concise, visually oriented information to enable clinicians to treat these animals with confidence. With coverage ranging from basic maintenance such as restraint and catheterization to more complex procedures such as minimally invasive surgery, Veterinary Techniques for Llamas and Alpacas describes the full range of techniques required for the medical management of these species. Each procedure is described in detail, with a consistent format for ease of use and accompanying photographs to illustrate the concepts described. A companion website offers videos of many of the procedures discussed in the book. Veterinary Techniques for Llamas and Alpacas is an essential resource for any veterinarian or technical staff member treating South American camelid patients. Paperback360 pagesRelease date May 2013
TABLE OF CONTENTSBehavior & Capture TechniquesHaltering, Manual Restraint, Chute Restraint, Ear Squeeze & InjectionsSedation & Tranquilization, Injectable Anesthesia, Orotracheal Intubation, Nasotracheal Intubation and Percutaneous Tracheal IntubationVascular CatheterizationsIntramedullary Canulation of the Femur for Admin or Parenteral FluidsIntraperitoneal Cannula for Plasma or Fluid AdministrationCaudal Epidural Anesthesia, Epidural Catheterization, Lunbo-Sacral Epidural AnesthesiaAnatomical Features of the Head & Neck, Dental Exams and Trimming, Tooth Extractions, Examination of the EarAnatomical Comments on the Skin, Skin Scraping, Skin Biopsy, Toenail TrimmingAnd entire Respiratory sectionAnatomical Comments on the Camelid Abdomen, Abdominal Ultrasound, Liver Biopsy, First Compartment Paracentesis and Fluid Evaluation, Intubation of the First Forestomach Compartment, Laparotomy Lateral Approach and Ventral Midline, Laparoscopy, Creation of Stoma into First Forestomach CompartmentMusculoskeletal Anatomy and Ambulation, Regional Intravenous Drug PerfusionUrinary Tract Examination and Anatomy, Urethral Catheterization, Ultrasound of the Urinary System, CystocentesisComments Regarding Female Genital Anatomy, Pregnancy Diagnosis, Procedure: Vaginoscopy & Uterine Culture, Teat & Udder Examination, Mastectomy, Cesarean Section, Diagnosis & Management of Uterine TorsionMale Genitalia Anatomical Comments & Breeding Behavior & Soundness, Examination of the Penis and Prepuce, Examination of Accessory Sex Glands, Examination of the Scrotum & Testicles, Semen Collection & Evaluation, CastrationNeurological Examination & Anatomy, Cerebrospinal Fluid Collection & InterpretationEye Exam, Nasolacrimal Duct Cannulation, Conjunctivorhinostomy for Alleciation of Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction, Ocular Extirpation, Subpalpebral Lavage System, Conjuctival Pedicle GraftBlood Transfusion, Plasma Transfusion